

Tiran Island - Dive sites

Sharm El Sheikh-Red Sea

Dive Sites

Tiran Island

Sharm El Sheikh, commonly abbreviated to Sharm, is one of the most charming cities in Egypt, located between the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Suez, and “the open body” of the Red Sea.
At the tip of the Sinai Peninsula, those three different waters meet, resulting in a rich environment that feeds currents suitable for the optimal growth of corals and marine life.
Often larger marine life can be seen, large fish, sharks, mantas, whale sharks, turtles and even dolphins can be spotted playing in the bow waves of the boats.
Due to the prominent geographical location of the coastal city of Sharm El Sheikh, the beauty of the Sinai Mountains adorns the setting for a perfect background and extraordinary marine life, making it one of the best diving environments in the world.

Tiran island one of Best Dive sites in Sharm El Sheikh

The so called Straits of Tiran are four beautiful reef formations between the Island of Tiran and the Sinai Peninsula. From north to south they are called Jackson Reef, Woodhouse Reef, Thomas Reef, and Gordon Reef. All four are extremely rich, both in hard and soft corals and show great biodiversity and many species of fish. Reef and Hammerhead sharks are likely to be seen gliding along the deeper reef edges. There are the remains of two wrecks, both on the back side of the reefs of Gordon and Jackson sitting on the surface as landmarks. Further north on the western banks of the Gulf of Aqaba there is a third more recent wreck called the Million Hope. Dive sites in the Straits of Tiran also include South Laguna and North Laguna.

Just like Ras Mohammed, the dives in the Straits of Tiran are well suited for experienced divers because of the deep canyons and the vertical walls, strong currents are often encountered there. Accordingly, we require a minimum experience of 20 logged dives.

Dive Site in Tiran Island

Gordon Reef

Sharm El Sheikh, commonly abbreviated to Sharm, is one of the most charming cities in Egypt, located between the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Suez, and "the open body" of the Red Sea.

Thomas Reef

Sharm El Sheikh, commonly abbreviated to Sharm, is one of the most charming cities in Egypt, located between the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Suez, and "the open body" of the Red Sea.

Woodhouse Reef

Sharm El Sheikh, commonly abbreviated to Sharm, is one of the most charming cities in Egypt, located between the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Suez, and "the open body" of the Red Sea.

Jackson Reef

Sharm El Sheikh, commonly abbreviated to Sharm, is one of the most charming cities in Egypt, located between the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Suez, and "the open body" of the Red Sea.


Sharm El Sheikh, commonly abbreviated to Sharm, is one of the most charming cities in Egypt, located between the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Suez, and "the open body" of the Red Sea.


Sharm El Sheikh, commonly abbreviated to Sharm, is one of the most charming cities in Egypt, located between the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Suez, and "the open body" of the Red Sea.

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